The level 3 CIPS course may put you through a lot of pressure to understand the course learning and apply it in preparing the Unit assignments. Be it the 4DEP, 3HRC ELD, or LDN, these are essentially dependent on how you learn the keywords from your handbook and apply them to your assignment.
MET shares with you some helpful tips to get you through your CIPD Level 3 HR and L&D assignments in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
A. Understand the Basics of CIPD Level 3 Assignment Writing
Successful completion of the CIPD Assignment puts one on the track to becoming an effective HR practitioner. To achieve this goal, there are various tips that should be followed. Adherence to these guidelines guarantees success for students:
1. Visit the CIPD website and examine the various articles present on becoming a successful HR practitioner
2. Review all the articles provided by the instructor as additional reading material
3. Get in touch with your instructor or CIPD support staff to seek clarification on various issues discussed
4. Attend class sessions without fail unless under unavoidable circumstances
5. Engage in meaningful discussions with classmates to continue the conversation
Through strict adherence to these five tips, one will not only surpass expectations in the 4DEP Assignment but will also become a more effective practitioner. A student’s initiative and drive will be the determinant of their performance.
B. Remain Within the Prescribed Word Count
The CIPD assignment both in HR and L&D courses has multiple parts. Each of these parts has a specific word count allocation that must be strictly adhered to. Here are some of the actions to ensure that you remain within the word count.
1. Have a draft of the assignment. In the draft, approximate the word count of each of the questions.
2. Answer the questions with accuracy. Ensure that there is no wordiness in the responses provided by eliminating any filler words.
3. Revise the answers provided for each part. Where the word count has exceeded, rewrite the section, ensuring it meets the guidelines.
Ensuring that the word count is critical because it illustrates a student’s ability to be brief while meeting all expectations. When a word count of 500 is expected, stretching it to 800 implies that one failed to follow instructions.
C. Aim for Pass from the First Attempt
Ensuring that one scores a pass in the CIPD assignment writing for all units is vital. However, some students in Dubai and Abu Dhabi may fear the assignment. I took it upon myself to provide critical insights that should be taken to complete the assignment successfully.
1. Start Early
The key to fulfilling all the assignment requirements is starting the assignment early. Starting early will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the questions and also be ready for unforeseeable circumstances.
2. Reference your work
Plagiarism is a severe offense when conducting CIPD assignments. You should reference all sources appropriately. Also, before submitting the work, make sure you review the plagiarism guide and ensure there is strict adherence.
With these two steps, the prepared assignment will meet all expectations. The CIPD assignments score will be above par, leading to a reward for the effort that was put into the completion of the task.
D. Harvard Referencing
Providing references to CIPD Assignments is critical. To aid in this part, I have developed a guide that should be followed when conducting referencing. Correct references are a sign of an above-bar exercise.
Step 1: Recording Accurately
When recording a source, it is vital to ensure that all the bibliographic information that is relevant for different sources is available. These include author, title, edition, and publisher.
Step 2. Organize Carefully and Cite Accurately
When preparing references, it is critical to keep track of the various references to be used. I would recommend the use of Software such as Mendeley.
Step 3. List Appropriately
In the assignment, one is required to use in-text citations and ensure there is a reference list on a separate page.
By following these prescribed steps, one will have accurately performed referencing for their CIPD HR and L&D assignment in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which will increase their chances of success in the task.
E. Follow Formatting rules
In the conduct of CIPD assignment preparation, students may be tempted to neglect formatting aspects. This should not be the case as the format influences how the assignment is perceived by the instructor and can affect the score provided. The various formatting rules that must be adhered to include:
1. The student must use a legible font in their write-up. It is recommended that Times New Roman or Arial font be used in the assignment. Also, the assignment should have a 1.5 or 2 spacing.
2. It is critical to ensure that a cover page is attached when submitting the assignment. The cover page should contain the word count and the student’s details.
3. References should be provided at the end of the assignment on a separate page.
Adherence to these formatting guidelines will ensure that the work presented is appealing. Also, formatting is a prerequisite to attaining a pass, and therefore success will be guaranteed in so doing.
If you seek help in your CIPD level 3 assignment writing or need to consult with an expert CIPD writer for your next assignment, please reach us at +971505696761 or email us at